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The company won the bid for Wuxi Hequan phase III C02 high activity workshop process equipment secondary distribution project
News | 2022-3-8 | Views: 610

It is learned from the marketing center that the company has successfully won the bid for the second distribution project of process equipment in Wuxi Hequan phase III C02 high activity workshop.

As a process equipment installation and secondary distribution project, the main contents of the project include: unloading equipment from transport vehicles, secondary transportation, storage of equipment provided by Party A, inspection and report preparation of received equipment, equipment hoisting, equipment entry and positioning, approximate positioning of equipment, final calibration and positioning of equipment, electrical and mechanical connection, secondary distribution and connection materials (utilities and cables), internal cable connection of process equipment Cable tray, stainless steel pipeline, cable / weak current threading, opening, steel platform structure, equipment inlet and exhaust, equipment exhaust / liquid, equipment edging, project acceptance, as built drawing and warranty, etc.

 (Contributed by marketing center


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